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7. Mobile Applications


List of Amendments


Description of change

Manual section updated

November 2020

Updated the OR statement in the Parent Field of the MSA PDA Master List Updates routine to use a comma instead of a double pipe

"Creating a Data.Connect Routine for Paperless Sync"

May 2019

Moved the topic on repairs and replacements of Micronet-supplied PDAs from the Third Party Tools manual to this one

"PDA Repairs and Replacements"

March 2019

Added a note that Micronet will not allow you to save an underpicked line where the Default supply chain allow Split Lines field on the debtor in Micronet is set to No

"Mobile Picking - Item Edit"

December 2018

Added a new topic on scanning an item for the unit quantity in Paperless Picking

"Mobile Picking Scan for Unit Quantity"

April 2018

Added a new section on updating PDA masters for the Intermec CK3X

"Intermec CK3X (CE 6.5 only)"

April 2018

Added a new section on configuring the Intermec CK3X

"Intermec CK3X"

June 2017

Documented the new Fifo Date field on the screen when adjusting stock using paperless adjustments

"Adjust Stock - Review Details"

April 2017

Added a note that the item quantity can be updated automatically by scanning individual items if Micronet is configured appropriately

"Mobile Goods Receipt - Scan Items"

"Mobile Stocktake - Add Items"

June 2016

Added a new FAQ on speeding up the performance of PDAs

"How do I speed up the performance of a PDA?"

February 2016

Added a new section on updating PDA masters

"Updating PDA Masters"

May 2015

Added new screen where count quantities can be entered in pallets, cartons or pieces (2.8 feature)

"Mobile Stocktake - Add Items"

November 2014

Added detail on the messages displayed when creating a goods receipt batch on a PDA (2.8 feature)

"Mobile Goods Receipt - Create (v2.8)"

November 2014

Added note about downloading intransit transfers when downloading transfers to a PDA (2.8 feature)

"Mobile Transfers - Download"

November 2014

Added more detail to the procedure for adding items to a stocktake batch

"Mobile Stocktake - Add Items"

November 2014

Added new section on paperless adjustments

"Paperless Adjustments (v2.8)"

November 2014

Added new section on paperless bin inquiries

"Paperless Bin Inquiries (v2.8)"

November 2014

Added new section on changing bin locations when receiving goods (2.8 feature)

"Mobile Goods Receipt - Change Bin Location (v2.8)"

November 2014

Updated section on creating a goods receipt batch on a PDA (2.8 feature)

"Mobile Goods Receipt - Create (v2.8)"

November 2014

Added new section on changing bin locations when picking items (2.8 feature)

"Mobile Picking - Multi Bins (v2.8)"

May 2014

Edited and formatted the frequently asked questions


February 2014

Edited section on Put Aways module

"Paperless Put Aways"

February 2014

Edited section on SalesForce module

"Sales Force Automation"

February 2014

Edited section on paperless synchronising

"Paperless Sync"

February 2014

Moved section on About button to the overview

"Mobile Device Setup Information"

February 2014

Broke up long procedures for configuring PDAs into separate steps

"Intermec 700 Colour"

"Intermec CK3 Device Setup"

"Intermec CN50 Device Setup"

July 2013

Added extra steps to end of CK3 setup procedure

"Step 15 - Download Micronet Masters"

December 2012

Added procedure for transferring all items from one bin to another (2.8 feature)

"Mobile Transfers - Change Bin Locations (v2.8)"

September 2012

Added information on pausing the PDA's internal timer during picking

"Mobile Picking - Pause Picking"

September 2012

Added step on restarting the Micronet Configuration Wizard on a PDA

"Running the Micronet Wizard Again"

May 2012

Added v2.8 changes to Paperless Goods Receipt

"Paperless Goods Receipt"

April 2012

Updated section on configuring Micronet, removing all procedures conducted in Micronet and inserting cross-references to those procedures in the Distribution System manual

"Configuring Micronet "

April 2012

Updated section on paperless goods receipts, removing all procedures conducted in Micronet and inserting cross-references to those procedures in the Distribution System manual

"Paperless Goods Receipt"

April 2012

Updated section on paperless transfers, removing all procedures conducted in Micronet and inserting cross-references to those procedures in the Distribution System manual

"Paperless Transfers"

January 2012

Updated section on configuration troubleshooting

"Testing and Troubleshooting"

January 2012

Updated section on paperless picking, removing all procedures conducted in Micronet and inserting cross-references to those procedures in the Distribution System manual

"Paperless Picking"

January 2012

Updated section on paperless stocktake, removing all procedures conducted in Micronet and inserting cross-references to those procedures in the Distribution System manual

"Paperless Stocktake"